Here I walk though some simple studies in epidemiological dynamics by investigating several different epidemiological models, and anlysing key dynamics of these models using simulation. In the sections that follow, I will describe different ways of considering how an infectious disease can propagate through a population.
Although have an amateur interest in understanding epidemiology, the true goal of this project is to practice and demonstrate a particular methodology for writing analytical reports based on computer simulation. The challenge with currently popular workflows for conducting and reporting on technical anlayses is that it is very easy to lose track of the process that was used to produce the analysis or report, to lose the ability to reproduce it, and to make mistakes that can never be recovered, checked, or revisited. Microsoft’s Office desktop productivity suite is the worst offender, but even workflows using better tools can easily come up short of reproducibility and re-usability.
There is no literature that I have been able to find that focuses on this kind of technical research for the Enterprise, though I’m sure many of the practices I’m trying to learn have been learned in industry before. However, the topic of reproducible research has recently become popular in academia. Two such books on the topic that are openly available are The Turing Way and The Practice of Reproducible Research. Although these books frame the problem in a way that is not exactly aligned with my own interests, they both highlight many of the same challenges that I am concerned with, and provide excellent guidance on solving some of the issues. I owe several of the lessons used here to those books.
General Approach
The simplest way to ensure an analysis is reproducible is to frequently try to reproduce it from scratch. And the only way to make that acceptable is to automate it. So the general idea is very simple: we need to automate the simulations, automate post-processing of the simulations to produce figures and tables, and automate production of the document.
Even with the process automated, there are a lot of variables that can thwart attempts to reproduce an analysis. The result can change or the software can just plain fail unless the same versions of the data, content, software, operating system and sometimes even hardware are different. There are two possible approaches to supporting a reproduction: one, make it possible to obtain the exact same configuration, or two make the analysis such that it works the same on other configurations. The particular solution to the problem is different for each of the different kinds of input.
If data are used which cannot be reproduced, they should be stored somewhere known, where there is a single source of truth for it, and it should be immutable. There are internet archives designed for managing this, as well as specialized tools such as DVC, which claim to solve this problem. I believe in some cases, something as simple as a zip archive stored on a web server with a known URI can be appropriate. Storage on a file system is less trustworthy, because it is hard to ensure that the data are never changed.
One way to support assurance that a dataset is identical to the one previously used is to store a checksum of the dataset along side, and to store the checksum somewhere in the project, perhaps even reporting it in the document. Then, when reproducing the analysis, it is easy to verify a matching checksum.
The models in this repository are all simple and not trained from any real-world data, so this project does not demonstrate an approach to managing irreproducible data that might come from tests, trials or experiments conducted live in the real world on real systems.
The content is anything and everything that is a part of the analysis for the
project. This is likely to include program source code and the text of the
report. The most popular tool for versioning this kind of content is git
Dubbed by its creator as "the stupid content tracker", git is useful for keeping track of and identifying any collection of files. Any kind of file can be tracked in a git repository, no complicated software has to be installed to use it, and no connectivity to an online service is required. In contrast to science, which is typically done out in the open on purpose, there are other types of analytical computing that has to be conducted entirely on a corporate premises, or even across an "air gap", with no internet connectivity of any kind. Using git to track such work is particularly useful, because it is capable of reconstructing and reconciling changes, even across an air gap.
Although git can track any kind of content, I believe that reproducibility is best achieved when only plain text content that was typed by a human be tracked. With plain text, there is no question as to how it was produced. The author sat at a text editor or terminal and entered the content. This is in contrast to content that may have been made by a GUI. Whether the resulting file is binary or "human-readable" text such as a xml file, it is very difficult to infer whether the author’s intent is truly consistent with the product that arrives on disk. In the name of pragmatism, I don’t believe this principle should always be kept as a strict rule; but I believe it is a gold standard to strive to. This example repository will consist only of plan text typed by the author.
To support sharing of the content, plus integration with useful tools like Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment pipelines a service such as GitHub or GitLab can be used. This project uses GitHub with GitHub Actions, and serves the site on GitHub Pages. This page is build from the GitHub repository here.
Whereas custom code that supports the analysis should be stored as source in
git, it doesn’t make sense to track third-party software in the same way.
When using open source software, there are fantastic packaging ecosystems that
can make it easy to install. Proprietary software can be more difficult. In
this repository, only open source software is used. It will use python on
Linux, with third-party libraries. Python’s standard package management server,
, is used with pip
to install third-party dependencies.
Operating System
The operating system provides the services and libraries required to run the software, and thus has to be considered in order to support reproducibility. Virtualization or containerization technologies can both support this to some extent. How this can all be managed is a large complex topic. In this project, I sidestep most of that by using GitHub actions, which provides a reliable environment. It isn’t perfect, however. It is conceivalbe that software updates applied to the virtual machines could change a low level library and alter the behaviour of my code or other software. Reproducibility is a matter of degree.
The hardware that supports the computation here is commodity hardware, a
standard x86_46
CPU should be quite reliable in producing the same results
if we can actually manage to run the same software on it. This is not
something that can always be taken for granted, but it is a reliable assumption
for the kind of analysis I am doing.
Analysis Pipeline
It is possible to just write a single program or script to run the entire analysis at one time. Though this is workable, many anlayses, this one included, produce lots of intermediate outputs, and can take a while to run. It would be nice not to have to re-run parts of the anlaysis unless we have to. On the other hand, it would go against the principle of reproducibility to have a human just run parts of the analysis because that re-introduces the possibility that they will take a wrong step and get a non-reproducible result.
Luckily, make
is designed to solve exactly this problem and it is available on
almost all systems. A Makefile
can be written to describe the recipe for
creating each intermediate output of the analysis, and to describe all of the
dependencies that afftect them. This can be used to describe the entire analysis
workflow, as in the following image.
Make compares time stamps of all the files and automatically determines which steps of the anlaysis have to be re-run and which can be skipped. In addition to speeding up re-analysis when a file is changed, the Makfile is a very useful reference to help understand how each file in the repository contributes to the anlaysis.
The pipeline dependency graph above itself is generated from the Makefile
this project as part of the analysis. This is done automatically using the
python program makefile2dot
and Graphviz.
The Susceptible, Infected, Recovered (SIR) Model
The first model idealizes a disease like measles, mumps or rubella, in which people who have recovered from it maintain immunity for the rest of their life.
Let \$S\$ be a real number in the range \$\[0,1]\$ representing the proportion of the population that is susceptible to the disease. They are healthy and have no immunity against the disease. In this model, we will assume that all people in the population are equally likely to get the disease and none of them are immune to it.
Let \$I\$ be a real number in the range \$\[0, 1]\$ representing the propotion of the population that is currently infected with the disease.
Let \$R\$ be a real number in the range \$\[0, 1]\$ representing the proportion of the population that has recovered from the disease. These people are no lnger contagious, meaning they can no longer get anyone else sick, and they are immune to the disease, so they can’t get it again.
The the rates at which people transition from susceptible (\$S\$) to infected (\$I\$) to recovered (\$R\$) is described by the following equations:
where \$S + I + R = 1\$.
In this analysis, we will start by assuming that \$\beta\$ and \$\gamma\$ are constant. Note that \$\beta\$ and \$\gamma\$ have dimension of inverse time. So \$\beta\$ can be thought of as the rate at which infected people infect susceptible people, and \$\gamma\$ as the rate at which infected people recover.
Basic Dynamics
The basic dynamics of the S-I-R model are easy to understand. Imagine a population shortly after the introduction of a new disease where at time \$t = 0\$, \$1\%\$ of the population has been infected and \$99\%\$ are still susceptible.
Since the rate of infection is proportional to the number of suscteptible people and the number of infected people, the number of infected people increases itself at an increasing rate. As people recover and become immune, the numbers both of infected and susceptible people are reduced, and therefore the rate of new infections that appear also begins to shrink.
How quick the spread and how many people get infected depend on the values of both \$\beta\$ and \$\gamma\$. If it clear that if \$\gamma < \beta\$, there will not be a pandemic, because the number of infections will immediately begin shrinking. To illustrate this, first consider the horrible case where \$\gamma = 0\$ so we can see what happens when nobody recovers.
Figure 1 shows the dynamic where \$\beta = 0.05\$ and \$\gamma = 0.00\$. Since nobody ever recovers, the rate of increase of infected people is identical to the rate of decrease of the number of susceptible people. Both follow a logistic curve.
Figure 2 shows the dynamic for \$\beta = 0.04\$ and \$\gamma = 0.01\$. The portion of the population with the infection increases early on and then levels out after 180 days. At day 180, \$42\%\$ of the population has the disease. At this point, with more people recovering and becoming immune, the rate at which new recoveries occur becomes greater than the rate at which new infection occur. After more than a year, almost everyone in the population will have been infected at some point.
Figure 3 shows the dynamic for \$\beta = 0.08\$ and \$\gamma = 0.04\$. This time the portion of simultaneously infected people peaks earlier after about 100 days, with \$17 \%\$ of the population sick at the same time. In the limit, about \$80 \%\$ of the population will have been infected at some point.
At this point it should be pretty clear, both from mathematical analysis of the equations, and from a superficial analysis of the individual simulations in cases 0 through 2, that the \$\beta\$ and \$\gamma\$ control:
the portion of the population that becomes sick simultaneously; and
the portion of the population the gets sick eventually;
the duration of the pandemic.
The the sections that follow, we compare the effects of different \$\beta\$ and \$\gamma\$ on these key measures.
The Flatness of the Curve
During news coverage on COVID-19, there has been lots of talk about "flattening the curve". Remembering that the only purpose of this document is to use a very simplistic model as a toy to demonstrate how to create reproducible simulations and analyses, not as an attempt to make any recommendations about or even provide insight into the present pandemic, it is nonetheless clear why we should want to look at the portion of the population who become infected at the same time. Too many simultaneous infections puts an excessive load on the systems that care for the infected people who fall ill.
Simulations were run for every combination of \$\beta\$ in \${0.01, 0.02, 0.03, 0.04, 0.05, 0.06, 0.07, 0.08, 0.09}\$ and \$\gamma\$ in \${0.01, 0.02, 0.03, 0.04, 0.05, 0.06, 0.07, 0.08. 0.09}\$. For each combination, the maximum value of \$I\$ is reported in Figure 4.
For all cases when \$\gamma\$ is less than \$\beta\$, the maximum value is \$0.01\$, or 1%. This is because the portion of infections was started at \$I = 0\$, and immediately began to decrease. The approximate trend is that as the ratio \$\beta / \gamma\$ increases, so does the number of simultaneous infections. Interestingly, different \$\beta\$ and \$\gamma\$ still have similar values for the peak. For example, for \$\beta = 0.02\$ and \$\gamma = 0.01\$, the peak is 16%, and for \$\beta = 0.04\$ and \$\gamma = 0.02\$, the peaks is also 16%.
Total Number of Infections
There is also the question of how many people must become infected to achieve "herd immunity". Will everyone get sick? Or how many will be spared of the illness once enough have recovered and developed immunity?
From the same simulations in the previous section, we can measure the total number of people having been infected. These are shown in Figure 5. Perhaps unsurprisingly, the relationship is similar.